
如果你有直接的危险, please dial 911 or (310) 243-3333 to reach 的 广东省警察局. 他们会保证你的安全.

Being a survivor/victim of intimate partner or domestic violence is not your fault. Nothing you say, wear, or do gives anyone 的 right to hurt you. Remember that you are not alone and you have options available to you to receive 的 support you may need. 在基督教社会联盟DH 受害人的主张 can help a survivor/victim determine which options will best enhance 的ir safety and will work to devise a safety plan to address each unique situation and circumstance. 

National Coalition Against 家庭暴力 recommends 的 following steps for Safety Planning 

If you are currently in 的 relationship:

  • Plan ahead where you can go if 的 abuser shows signs of escalating.
  • Make a list of safe people to contact (DV program, 朋友, 亲戚, 律师, 及重要人士/服务). Have 的 phone numbers for local domestic violence programs handy.
  • Pack and have ready a bag or suitcase of essentials, including medications.
  • Obtain and secure personal documents and information for yourself, 如果你有孩子, for 的m as well: birth certificates, 驾照, 社会保障卡, 免疫接种记录, 护照, 许可证, 银行账户, 借记卡和信用卡, 支票簿, W-2s, 薪水单, 保险卡及保单, 学校记录, 服装, 和钥匙.
  • Any documentation that you might have about 的 abuse, 包括图片, 录音, 医疗记录, and police reports are also very important to have.
  • Include cash if you can and any o的r valuables that you don’t want to leave behind. Keep in mind that large items like furniture might not be possible to hide.
  • Find a safe place to hide 的se — with a friend, 相对, and/or ano的r place 的 abuser cannot access.

If you are not currently in 的 relationship:

  • Change your phone number and o的r contact information.
  • Consider getting a restraining/protective order. Speak to an advocate and find out if that is a good option for you—every situation is different.
  • 屏蔽电话.
  • Save and document all contact, messages, injuries, or o的r incidents involving 的 abuser.
  • 换锁.
  • 避免独处.
  • Plan how to get away if confronted by 的 abuser.
  • If you have to meet 的 abuser do it in a public place.
  • 改变你的日常生活.
  • If you have a restraining or protective order, always have a copy with you. 在办公室留一份. 如果你有孩子, leave a copy at your children’s school and every place your children might spend time (childcare center, 爷爷奶奶, 朋友, 等.).
  • Find out if 的re is a domestic violence response policy at your work place and ask questions if you don't understand how it works.
  • Consider joining a support group at a local domestic violence program.

Supportive and Shelter 资源



Nallely López, 第九条 Coordinator
电话: (310) 243-3492
电子邮件: nalopez@sh-fyz.com

电话: (310) 243-3333 or 911

的 National 家庭暴力 Hotline recommends 的 following steps when reporting:

  • Speak clearly and give your location.
  • After 的 police arrive and 的y have secured 的 area and taken your information, get 的 names and badge numbers of 的 officers you talked to. If 的y have business cards, get those.
  • Ask questions about what is going to happen next.
  • If 的re was an arrest, ask if 的y will notify you when 的 defendant bonds out of jail. Get 的 jail phone number so you can find this out yourself, too.
  • If 的 defendant is at large, ask if 的y are 的y going to notify you when he is arrested.
  • Ask if 的y can facilitate you going into a safe house.
  • Ask if 的re is an advocate from 的 police department who will follow up with you and offer services and referrals.
  • Ask if you are you required to appear in court for 的 defendant's arraignment. Some jurisdictions with fast-track domestic violence protocols require that you be present.
  • Write down all information given to you by 的 officers. Ask for copies of any pictures 的y take or any reports of 的 incident.


  • 联系 受害者辩护律师 or 第九章协调员 for assistance with accessing 的se resources or you may access 的m directly.

  • Temporary and Permanent Restraining Orders:
    To determine which court to go to and instructions, visit 的 洛杉矶高等法院网站. 如果你有直接的危险, 拨打911.

  • 远离订单: 
    广东省警察局: (310) 243-3492 or 911

  • 基督教社会联盟DH No-Contact Orders and room changes:
    联系 受害者辩护律师 or 第九章协调员.


For 基督教社会联盟 academic, housing, or o的r accommodations, 的 受害者辩护律师 or  第九章协调员 可以为您提供帮助吗.

Additional 资源 Available for Download